Trademark Objection
Trademark Objection:
Once a trademark application is filed, the Trade Marks Registrar will process your application and issue an Examination Report for Trademark. Examination report could be for advertising your trademark before registration or he can come up with an objection for registration of the trademark. There are no fixed reasons why your Trademark Application may be objected.
The Trade Marks Office can, for various reasons, have objections to your trademark application. This may be because the word or logo is too similar or resembling to an existing trademark, or various other reasons. Law gives you an opportunity to respond professionally and reply to trademark objection raised. You must file your response to this objection within a month from when the Examination Report has been published online. If you don’t, the Registrar may abandon your application.
What is Trademark examination Report?
Trademark examination report is a report of examination conducted by Trademark Office after examining the registrability of the application, which includes distinctiveness, existing similarity with prior registrations, and filing of supporting documents.
A professionally drafted objection reply will ensure that you have valid reasons to believe why your application should get through. If the Trademark Examiner finds the reply sufficient and addresses all the queries raised by him/her in the Examination Report trademark, the application would be allowed to be published in the Trademark Journal, before registration. This takes you an inch closer to use ® mark. is an eminent business platform and a progressive concept, which helps end-to-end incorporation, compliance, advisory and management consultancy services to clients in India and abroad. Securing a Registered Trademark is easy, seamless, cheapest and quickest with! Apart from a Trademark Registration, also helps you with Trademark Objection filing, draft Trademark objection reply letter, Trademark Renewals, Trademark Assignment, Trademark withdrawal, Trademark opposition and Trademark rectification services. Contact Chithragupta for Trademark Objection and Trademark Objection Reply. Confidently clarify all queries raised against your trademark in the government objection. Let expert lawyers do the job for you. You may get in touch with our compliance manager to know more on trademark objection reply fees and process call on : 8074555580 or email : for free consultation.